'Pleasant Cove - Woolwich, Maine'
Silence is the background of all that happens, all that appears and disappears. It is unqualified love, love that has no need of any stimulation. It stimulates itself by itself.
*Jean Klein. The Ease of Being.
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The Sage was soon to leave the body. He called his disciples to his bedside. He asked if they wished to say anything to him before his departure.
The disciples, one after the other, spoke of his love for their teacher and friend. After they had finished speaking, the Sage said, "Now, before I leave, I want you to let go one last thing that you cling to." Each wondered what this was.
One asked, "Teacher, what is this last thing you want us to let go of?" "Love," replied the Sage.
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The intent to love becomes love without intent to love. This is thoughtless love; there is no thought, however noble or holy or sacred, separating love, the one loving, and the one receiving love. In reality, to love the other is to love oneself, and this is love loving itself. While there is differentiation among love, lover, and beloved, there is no separation.
Loving, then, happens most naturally, even as all nature expresses itself best without intention to do so. How to this? The more you become love, which is to become that you are, the more this naturalness of loving manifests freely, unselfconsciously. One can say, "It just happens." Why? "I don't know. It just happens." How? "I don't know. It just happens."
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*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2021
*Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse. The book is a collection of poems based on wisdom traditions, predominantly Christian, Buddhist, and Sufi, with extensive notes on the poetry's teachings and imagery.